マッセイ大学 幼児・初等教育&英語研修

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ニュージーランド マッセイ大学 幼児・初等教育&英語研修
Early Childhood Education and English Programme at Massey University2022


広報誌なでしこp12-13 児童教育学科 半澤 嘉博教授寄稿)




 ①ニュージーランドの就学前教育カリキュラムTe Whārikiの講義








➡➡こちら (在校生限定)



東京家政大学家政学部児童教育学科 教授 半澤 嘉博
From Professor Yoshihiro Hanzawa Ph.D
Dept. of Child Education, Tokyo Kasei University

1)この研修でなにを学んでほしいですか。 Expectations for learning in this program


Through this program, we hope that you will connect with the spirit of New Zealand which values diversity and nature. You can feel this spirit in Te Whāriki, the curriculum for early learning passed down from Maori culture.
Although it may take time, I believe that by reflecting on this program, and by thinking about the state of early childhood education in Japan, you will realize why you want to be involved in early childhood education, what you want to teach to children, and how you should continue forward as an early childhood educator.

2)マッセイ大学での研修体験について教えてください。 Experience of learning at Massey University


In this program, you will deepen your understanding of early childhood education and sharpen your English skills. This would not be possible without support from staff at Massey University and the Tokyo Kasei University Global Education Center.
Your interactions with university staff, educators, and children of New Zealand will be a very special experience for you. It is important to actively participate in English conversation. If you are wondering about something, ask questions! Express your ideas and exchange opinions!You still have so much time and so many opportunities. Let this online program with Massey University be an opportunity to advance your career. Let it be a chance for you to think about study abroad, language learning, graduate school, and the future ahead.

東京家政大学家政学部児童学科 准教授 荒井 庸子
From Assoc. Professor Yoko Arai
Dept. of Juvenile Education, Tokyo Kasei University

Expectations for learning in this program&Experience of learning at Massey University



Throughout the ECE Programme at Tokyo Kasei University, we especially hope that you will learn about diversity and inclusion in early childhood education and care. Recently, the term “diversity” has been drawing a lot of attention around the world. It can be said that New Zealand is one of the countries with the greatest respect for diverse values, including those of the Maori culture. This programme will bring you wonderful opportunities to meet children who are absorbed in creative and original play in a rich natural environment. Diverse groups of children from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds are living and learning together there. Teachers in the ECE center exchange greetings and sing songs in multiple languages. They decorate the walls of the school with colorful images that reflect diverse cultures. It may surprise you to learn that for them, this is totally normal. Through hands-on activities, you will learn what “diversity and inclusion in early childhood education and care” really means.

Japan also aims to provide early childhood education and care that encourages every child to develop independence. The women who participated in this programme as students are now leaders in their field in Japan. I am certain that this program, with its global vision, will help you to expand your horizons as caregivers and educators, and will harden your resolve to push forward in your careers.


From Mrs. HeyJoung Choi, Programme Coordinator
International Short Courses
Professional & Continuing Education (PaCE)
Office of Global Engagement, Massey University

1)What's your impression of Tokyo Kasei University students who participated in this programme?

I have had the pleasure of hosting Tokyo Kasei University students for many years and every time I meet (online and face to face) new students they blow my mind. Tokyo Kasei University’s students are always eager to learn and express their ideas freely. They are warm, creative, intelligent, and personable. All past course participants have presented how skilled and motivated they are for their future careers. In their virtual visits to Early Childhood Education centres in New Zealand they taught unique Japanese songs and games which will remain in the young children’s minds forever.

I was impressed with Tokyo Kasei university students having a clear vision for their lives and showcasing their professionalism. The students presented how great they are as a team but also how creative they are individually.


2)What are key aspects of this programme for the students who want to be a nursery school teacher/primary school teacher?

This programme is designed to introduce the New Zealand Early Childhood Education system and what is actually happening at the Early Childhood Education centres. Rather than teaching the students the New Zealand way of educating children, we hoped that the programme would give the students opportunities to review what Early Childhood Education looks like in Japan and what it should look like in the future. They re-discovered Japan’s Early Childhood Education environment and philosophy by learning about New Zealand’s Early Childhood Education environment and philosophy. Often, they compared the two systems’ philosophies and discussed how they would do things differently. By researching better ways to communicate with children and teach children, we hope that the students can develop their own education philosophies for their future career.


From Mr. Mike Millward, English instructor of ECEP2021
International Short Courses
Professional & Continuing Education (PaCE)
Office of Global Engagement, Massey University
1)What's your impression of Tokyo Kasei University students who participated in this programme?

I was impressed with the Tokyo Kasei students’ ability to work together as a team. In the words of Helen Keller, "Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much. They demonstrated they were well prepared for the course in Japan by Tokyo Kasei staff but were also ready to absorb new knowledge. The students were very motivated and hardworking. They were fun to work with and their contributions to the programme were incredible. Great engagement in all classes and virtual site visits!
There were always willing to speak up but also respectful of others and they had a strong knowledge base mixed with great practical common sense in Early Childhood Education area. I firmly believe that they are going to be great teachers in the future.


2) What did you pay attention to when you planned the English classes during the programme?

I was aware of the students’ English levels and also there was a gap between the students’ knowledge regarding Early Childhood Education. The contents of the English classes were designed for the students to develop their confidence in speaking in English but the contents of the Stream site (Massey’s online study flatform) had a focus on introducing the Te Whariki philosophy as well as introducing how New Zealand children learn soft skills by playing with each other and how New Zealand ECE teachers provoke their curiosity rather than trying to teach them knowledge. The whole programme is designed for the students to see the different perspectives in Early Childhood Education. I hope the students learnt the differences between New Zealand ECE centres and Japanese ECE centres and that they implement the best practice from both countries.


Students' Voices~研修生の声をお届けします